Questions about the Faith?
Is Jesus truly present in the Holy Eucharist?
Why do Catholics call priests ‘Father’?
Why do Catholics go to Confession?
Why is the Virgin Mary venerated as ‘Mother of God’?
How can Catholics claim that Mary was sinless?
What is wrong with sola scriptura?
What is the doctrine of Original Sin?
Are Guardian Angels real?
Was the Virgin Mary Assumed into heaven?
Why do Catholics fast on certain days?
Why do Catholics venerate Relics of deceased Saints?
Is Hell for all eternity?
Is Purgatory real & why do Catholics pray for the dead?
Why are there statues and images in the Catholic Church?
Why do Catholics pay homage to the Saints?
How can Catholics say that the Pope is infallible?
What was the point of the Crusades?
Why should Priests stay celibate?
Why do Catholics make the Sign of the Cross?
Why are there more books in the Catholic Bible?
Why do Catholics pray the Rosary?
Answers to these questions and more…
Download Robert Haddad’s Catholic Book
Defend the Faith
Nihil Obstat: Rev. Peter Joseph, STD.
Imprimatur: + Julian Porteous, DD, VG
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